Made for a dear friend and fellow artist who at the time I only met via the internet. Since she is also an artist model, this is certainly not the best portrait ever made of her. 😉 And I just had a few small pictures of her to work with. (Even though I got help from my mother). But I feel it rather well captured how I saw her at the time. And with the flowers growing into her hair, the butterflies around her head and the little field mouse that looks like Alf from the 80’s US sitcom, it gives a sweet innocent portrayal of her. 🙂 And now that I know her better this is certainly a part of her. 🙂 Even though my intention was to give the painting to her right away, it took several years before it reached her. And the way how it got to her is filled with symbolism. And is a reflection of our friendship and weaves a thread through what we had to experience to get were we as friends are now. 🙂 Made in 2014 and found its way to her in 2018.

13-07-2020 - Floris Rosenbrand